Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I don't think racism will ever cease to exist in the United States.  There are too many people passing their hatred on to their kids and too many who believe every word in the bible.  I grew up around racism in Kentucky and still hear racist comments when I go back for a visit.  As long as racist people continue to have children, the cycle will never be broken.  The Jesus freaks would probably still have slaves if they could get away with it, since slavery is in the bible.  It's the same reason they despise gay people.  These are the same people who were outraged with the Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercial. 

Many people in this country and in the world never learn from history.  They will always hate people who are different.  Lessons were never learned from the treatment of Native Americans, African Americans or the Jewish people.  I spent a year in Bosnia and saw how hatred can manifest into genocide and the destruction of a country.  After the horror of the concentration camps, it boggles the mind how genocide could happen in the 1990s. 

Gay people are now the group being targeted because we were born different.  I recently read a story about a Russian actor who said gay people should be burned in the ovens.  I can't even begin to understand how someone could have so much hatred in their heart to want me burned in an oven because I was born gay.

Which group will be next???

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