Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Triumph of the Nerds

There were two great quotes in these videos.  The first one was by a ten-year old boy who said you can't have other people stop your dreams.  The other was when Steve Jobs said he never did it for the money and money wasn't important. Steve Jobs was a visionary and his death makes you wonder what technology the world will miss out on.  Hopefully he shared  his vision with others before he died.

This was a very informative history of the computer.  It is amazing how we rely on something on a daily basis and it all started in a garage 40+ years ago.  Something that started out as a crude device has evolved into devices we can use in the palm of our hand to do thousands of tasks.  The videos also caused me to have flashbacks because I remember using some of those IBM computers when I first joined the military.  There have been drastic changes since the Triumph of the Nerds was filmed in 1996.  The videos showed the large monitors and CPUs.  Everything keeps getting smaller and thinner.

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