Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Commercials and Propaganda

I think the line between commercials and propaganda has been blurred.  Propaganda has typically been used as a political tool but commercials seem to be pushing an agenda toward the public.  Commercials are now used to not only advertise a product but they are used to create demand and sometimes pure insanity for a product.  Commercials are used to make people believe they have to get the latest car, clothes, shoes or electronic devices to be a part of the "in crowd".  Black Friday ads are a great example of the monster that advertising has created.  It is insane that people will camp out a week before something goes on sale just to get a "deal".  Why would people give up a week of their life just to get a sale item?  I would never go to that extreme but I do remember being effected by commercials during my Saturday morning cartoons when I was a child.  I had to have those toys and that sugary cereal with the toys inside.  Now I despise commercials and have no use for them.  The majority of my television watching is on my DVR so I can fast forward through the commercials.  I guess commercials can be considered propaganda since they are trying to influence and persuade the viewer to buy something.  It seems to be working since people are willing to camp out and wait for days to get an item. 

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